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Sundays 9.00 - 10.30am
Wednesdays 9.00 – 10.30am
My contact details, if you’d like to chat about coming to class, are sue.grbic@gmail.com
021 130 2932
At the Red Cross Hall, Oceanview Road.
(Above the Oneroa Medical Centre).
Please don’t park in the medical centre parking lot (sorry it’s doctors’ parking during the week and an A & E every weekend).
The easiest place to park if there’s no street parking - just one block up the main road turn left at Kiwibank, (into Weka Rd) and immediately on your right is the public carpark.
And how exactly do we access the hall?
Please walk into the car park (of the medical centre) and use the external staircase on the side of the building. The hall is on the first floor through the door on your left.
Cost options:
To try and meet all needs in these crazy times - yours if you have budget issues and mine to make a living - I now offer all classes on a koha basis. Please pay what you can afford, with a suggested range of $10 - $20 per class. You may buy a card of 5 classes, again paying what you wish. Couples or regular twice-a-week students can buy 10 class cards.
Payment by:
Cash – at the door
Direct credit – a/c Susan Grbic – 12 3050 0458961 52.
Please put YOGA and YOUR NAME as references.
What should I bring?
If you have a mat do bring it along (I do have some if you don’t). Also, either a blanket and a cushion or 2 blankets if you can lay your hands on those things as it makes you much more comfortable in relaxation. However they are also available if you don't bring your own.
What should I expect?
Although I am Iyengar-trained I have been influenced by Donna Farhi and various other teachers. I teach a fairly slow, gentle class to help you develop your flexibility, but with enough ‘grit’ to balance that with strength and stability. I help you to enjoy a practice which works for your own body, rather than make you try to fit your body to the practice. And most importantly of all, I guide you, via breath and mental focus, to a place inside yourself where peace and calm reside.
At the Red Cross Hall, Oceanview Road.
(Above the Oneroa Medical Centre).
“Awakening to the Truth is not an event. You are already that.” Mooji
My name is Susan Grbic and I am a yoga teacher, a wife and a mother. South African by birth I have called New Zealand home since 1994.
I began teaching yoga in 1996 – my early training being in Integral and then Iyengar yoga. In 2001 I met Donna Farhi and she became a strong influence in both how I practice and how I teach.
In June 2000 I opened the Albany Yoga Room on Auckland’s North Shore and exactly 12 years later, in June 2012, I passed it into other hands in order to go and live on Waiheke Island. I now offer one-on-one tuition in both yoga and meditation as well as running classes and occasional retreats and workshops both on Waiheke and at Mana Retreat Centre on the Coromandel.
I also organise bespoke retreats – I work with you to design your own retreat right here in paradise (Waiheke Island), either for you and a group of your buddies or work colleagues, or to take time out just for you alone!
Yoga and meditation have almost always been a big part of my life. In the late 70’s I found my spiritual path that I have followed ever since, and in the mid-80’s I discovered hatha yoga. Through all the ups and downs of life these two elements – yoga and meditation – have been my pole star, giving me direction whenever I felt lost. If you feel these practices could be helpful for you I would love to accompany you on that journey.
Private tuition cost (one student) :
$75 in my home studio. (If you are unable to afford this please enquire about my sliding scale)
$30 additional when required to travel
For 2 students:-
$120 in my home studio
$30 additional when required to travel
For prices of bespoke group or individual retreats please check the relevant pages of waihekeyogaroom.co.nz